
10 Tips to create a geolocalized campaign

While creating it may not be that complicated, taking advantage of all its capabilities deserves 10 practical pieces of advice
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Creating a geolocalized mobile advertising campaign is actually very simple thanks to SONATA platform, where any user without advanced knowledge is able to promote his business. While creating it may not be that complicated, taking advantage of all its capabilities deserves 10 practical pieces of advice:  

What zones should be included?

1. Area of impact that surrounds your business. Remember that for the user, local information is the most relevant, and the closer the information is delivered, the more likely it is to have a positive impact.

2. The exact location of your competition. Any clients using their mobiles while visiting one of your competitors will receive information about your business. This is your ideal chance to lure them away.

3. New residential areas: These places are ideal to impact since there is a high population density and very few businesses. Set the hours when people are usually home so that, while they check their tablets or smartphones, they will receive your ad.  

Advanced segmentation

4. In the areas where you have chosen your campaign to run, users who may be interested in your products will mixed in with those who are not.  Screen them ahead of time! Include targeting options such as gender, age, temperature, or type of connection. Rigorously identify your potential clients and aim your campaign only at them.  

Careful creative

5. You don’t have to be a professional designer, but at least invest ten minutes in thinking about an attractive catch phrase or attention grabber. This is one of the main factors that will contribute to the success or failure of your campaigns, and there is nothing that creates a worse impression than including an incomplete message or image. 6. Promotions work better than just information about your business, so why not offer a discount or gift to make them loyal clients?  

Coherent schedules

7. To define effective days or hours, you only have to think about what it is that you are promoting. A club will wish to impact its potential clients late on weekend nights while a restaurant will want to do so during meal times.

8. In terms of the length of your campaign, if you are promoting a seasonal offer, plan your strategy ahead of time. To advertise an event, start your campaign a few days before hand, not the day before.  

Provide information

9. A potential client has seen your banner and has clicked on it. Now, insert, depending on your business, your telephone number, web page, map that establishes the itinerary of your business from the point of view of this client, etc. Try to include all the information that a client may need to clear his doubts and facilitate the consumption of your good or service. Create ways for the user to easily find you or learn more about your business:  Add a click-to-call option, click-to-web, or even a map that includes directions on how to arrive at your doorstep.  

And then?

10. Learn, learn and learn. Review the statistics carefully, verify that your campaign strategy (areas, hours and creativity) works, and if not... change it! Thanks to the knowledge that you will acquire about your potential clients and their habits you will be able to fine-tune your game plan in order to create better and better campaigns.

June 9, 2014

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