
Mobile Marketing Trends 2015

Hyper-local, user-centric, video, programmatic and "digitalize"
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2014 has been an important year for the development of technologies and solutions related to tracking the Mobile user, analyzing his movements, studying his habits and then influencing him with local advertising based on his behavior. We could summarize this concept with the following expression: “Tell me where you’ve been and I’ll tell you who you are".

Mobile is mobility - the smartphone is always within reach. There are no cookies… even better! In fact, location is the new cookie. Mobile phones have their own identifiers that are immortal and infallible. Apple’s beacons open a new era in tracking users, offering new and limitless possibilities for marketers. And now it’s the Wi-Fi Alliance that has announced its own system for locating connected users. Hyper-local geolocation, retargeting or “footfall” advertising will undoubtedly drive advertising investments in Mobile… Finally!


What better defines a person than his mobile phone? The large amount of information on the user is an unlimited source of audience segmentation. Today, brands can communicate directly with their clients and, furthermore, find their future clients by looking for advanced profiles. Branding will compete with campaigns based solely on the user. Furthermore, the same user consents to receiving messages with advertising if we offer him a value-add. It’s a “win-win” for everyone… however, be careful about privacy questions, as they will soon arise!  

Regarding advertising formats, we are still trying to determine the best way to handle campaigns on devices that are so personal, so close and so impactful. The Web-to-Mobile adaptation process is now over: the Mobile is dealt with separately and the user’s requirements need to be met. Let’s see if native advertising finally takes off.



We can see that the consumption of video content has exploded everywhere over the past year. The famous idea of “Mobile first” now not only applies to editorial content, it also applies to audiovisual content.  Driven by the expansion of 4G, the new standard for the size of smartphones with ever-increasing screen sizes, and unprecedented levels of social media activity, video has a future that is more than clear.  Facebook told us this month that two-thirds of video content are seen on Mobile devices, while Twitter has announced that its future publicity videos will be on “auto play”, just like they did on…. Facebook!  


Do we really have to remember it? It’s enough just to ask how to reach the appropriate audience and, on the other hand, think about how to maximize the inventory of media outlets that have experienced a boom in their Mobile audience. With this postulate, it is understood that the programmatic channel is the only one that will be able to connect buyers with the inventory without consuming many resources and doing so in the least amount of time. Indeed, these interfaces (DSPs and SSPs) that have always focused on the Web are opening up to a multi-platform audience, but with all the inherent difficulties. The programmatic purchase and “data-driven” marketing are almost inseparable. The multiple data that the Mobile device offers are a gift from heaven in this sense.  


"Digitalize" the World

It’s been shown that the Mobile device is the piece that was missing in order to connect the online and offline worlds. Thanks to the new tracking possibilities, the user is no longer a stranger and the “digital” user has come back to the real world. Mobile payment systems are now a reality and should have a large impact on tomorrow’s businesses. Apple Pay was the pilot program in the United States and the other manufacturers, such as Samsung or Google with its “Wallet”, are also entering the market.  

2015 will surely be the year of connected objects and Mobile will play a leading role in the world of the “Internet of Things”. In fact, it won’t be limited to the personal realm. It must also enter into the business world (B2B solutions).

January 16, 2015

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